Order discounts and offers related to an order. Add details of an offer used in the checkout of an order and any offers given for placing an order which may be voucher codes and discounts or refer a friend type offers.
Property | Description | Required | Data Type |
offer_type | Indicating the type of offer, InputDiscount(Input offer which was supplied at checkout), OutputDiscount(An offer to be used), ReferDiscount(Refer a friend offer or similar) | True | String |
offer_code | A unique identifier of the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_1 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_2 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_3 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_4 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_5 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_6 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_7 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_8 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_9 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_message_10 | Custom message to sit along side the offer. | False | String |
offer_url | Offer URL. | False | String |
offer_amt_or_pct | Indicating the value type to be used: Amount or Percentage. | False | String |
offer_discount | The amount of discount given. | False | String |
offer_min_spend | Minimum spend before offer is active. | False | String |
offer_start_date | Start date of an offer. ISO 8601 format required: '2017-10-25T11: 34:26+00:00' | False | String |
offer_expiry_date | End date of an offer. ISO 8601 format required: '2017-10-25T11: 34:26+00:00' | False | String |